Custom Van Conversions
Start your own build today:
Weekender Seats 5/Sleeps 5
from $62,400
Black Prism
from $52,400
Pop-The-Top, Gear Below!
from $94,400
Green Machine
from $94,400
A La Carte Services
Windows - Vent Fans - Rear Seats - Exterior Add-Ons - Bed Systems - Floors - Wall Panels - Ceiling - Seat Swivels - and more…
Please inquire for product availability and to reserve shop time.
Camp SUHA Build
Our most popular layout to date.
Flexibility in material and appliance choices, but the general layout stays the same.
Shorter lead times
Custom Conversions
Have an idea for a van build? Work with us to bring that vision to life. This is our most custom and involved offering.
Please fill out our inquiry form below to begin.
Inquiry Form
*Please allow 3-5 business days for a reply.